Smart TV

Smart Tv

At 1+1 Media, I spearheaded the design of a smart TV app project initially named "OVVA," later rebranded as "1+1 Video." This app was a pivotal component within a broader infrastructure offering diverse video content from channels like TET, 2+2, Plus Plus and 1+1. With the foresight that household TV ownership would significantly increase by 2030, we aimed to create an intuitive and accessible platform for the evolving viewer demographic.


1+1 Media


Visual Design UI & UX Design Research




July 2017

Challenges: Designing the app for both LG and Samsung TVs was tough. People use all kinds of different remotes, which made designing the interface tricky. Plus, we didn't know how most people set up their TVs at home – do they put them high up or lower down? This was important because it determined where we'd put the buttons on the app. To figure this out, I checked out a bunch of apartment buildings to see how people had their TVs set up. I also asked friends who install TVs for a living. But, we still didn't have data on how high people usually mount their TVs. Another problem was that LG and Samsung had different rules for making apps for their TVs. LG's apps scrolled horizontally, while Samsung's scrolled vertically. And each company had to approve our app separately. Also, every TV shows colors a bit differently, and they adjust their brightness and contrast based on how bright or dark the room is. Technical Limits: Smart TVs don't have unlimited memory or storage. So, some fancy features, like video backgrounds, had to be cut because they needed too much space. We decided to keep things simple and make sure the app worked with any remote control. Solution and Results: Despite these challenges, I made a user-friendly app that anyone could use with any remote control. The goal was to make it easy for everyone, no matter what TV they had.

Conclusion: Designing for smart TVs is tricky because of all the different remotes, setups, and rules from TV companies. But, by keeping things simple and making sure the app works with any remote, we made something that lots of people can enjoy.

I am currently seeking new job opportunities and I am open to any proposals, so please feel free to email me.